I LOVE THE POTLUCK @ Loraine's home.
She said that we can gather there once a month.

see the photo

As you see, We have plenty of food.

the lovely place+cocktail+pickle+salad+tea+ice-cream+苦瓜甕 → Loraine
( I LOVE the cocktail Loraine made for us. It seems we've finished all of her alcohol. We promise we'll bring some and ask her to make more next time! )

roasted duck→Douglas+Hank ( by coincidence, they bring the same food while roasted duck is a popular issue resently)

spicy tofu-bean→ Alpha ( he is really good at cooking!! Good guy! He also bring the whole tea set to make traditional tea for us. Amazing! )

chicken nugget → Daphne ( teacher Daphen believes we would love it as children! Yes, we like it. )

fruit yogurt→Rita ( a good combination with fruit and yogurt, however, slice all of the fruit is a lot of work. good job! )

鮮芋仙→Neal ( the most impressive part about Neal is his life : ); he will share with you if you met him next time )

朝鮮薊+Spicy chicken→ Mark (it seems Mark only participat the outing and party now. we've not seen him for a long time...good to see him )

Grape+ Salad Bamboo shoot + Movie →Camille ( i love bamboo shoot in the such hot day, also very healthy! thanks! we have movie to enjoy. Excellent! )

Egg rolls, Sprite → Mavis ( the egg rolls is well-packaged in a very beautiful way. i love it and am happy to bring it home. )

hand-made pizza→chichi ( don't want to mention anymore. it's failed. i would be BETTER next time )

Besides eating, we played the Killer. It's a good time to play with a group of people.
After that, we wathed the movie "the kite runner" 追風箏的孩子 together. i recommend to read the book which is better than the movie.

Thanks Loraine to donate her house.
Thanks Alpha and Rita to organize the outing.
Thanks for the good photo taken by Rita ans Alpha. You catched the wonderful moment.
Thanks everyone to join it and make it fun together.

i love all of you
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